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/ Current Shareware 1996 January / Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO / windows / font / daub15.zip

File Comment
│                         Chicago Computer Brokers                           │
│      This File Has Passed Automated Virus & File Integrity Procedures      │
│FileName   │FileSize │FileDate│ File Description                            │
DAUB15.ZIP     351495  09-05-95  DAUB 1.5 - Calligraphy in Windows.
                               | Registration AUS$49.95 US$39.95 (plus $4
                               | shipping/handling). Scaling and rotation
                               | supported. TrueType text supported. Full
                               | colour, sharp edged output to printer. Brush
                               | can be simple, or may change continuously
                               | according to length, slope etc. Brush strokes
                               | can be altered after they are drawn, enabling
                               | complex compound effects. Great value. Author
                               | is a member of STAR.
                               | (Newest File Date: 08-09-95)

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
COMP.WRI Windows Write Document 1 640b 1995-08-09
DAUB.WRI Windows Write Document 18 78KB 1994-08-27

Text (6)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 11 414b 1995-05-29
INSTALL.INF INI File 39 1KB 1995-08-09
ORDER.TXT Text File 159 6KB 1995-05-29
README.TXT Text File 107 4KB 1995-05-29
REGISTER.TXT Text File 192 8KB 1995-06-12
VENDOR.TXT Text File 175 7KB 1995-06-02

Other Files (6)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
BWCC.DLL Microsoft Windows Dynmic Link Library 102 130KB 1992-06-08
CATALOG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 18KB 1995-02-06
DAUB.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 13 331KB 1994-04-21
DAUB2.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 26 354KB 1995-05-24
INSTALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 2 91KB 1994-08-14
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
MISC.DOB Unknown 35KB 1994-02-28